
Pictured Above: Red and itchy paws and under arm rash
Pictured Below: Hayley's itchy, red, rashy and yeasty skin
Rachel has been a miracle for us.
Hayley has spent the first ten years of her
life struggling with skin, food, and environmental allergies.
I have taken her
to see multiple vets as well as a canine dermatologist. She literally had been
on round after round of antibiotics and steroids, battled with skin infections,
suffered from yeast and bacterial infections, lost most of her hair, scratched
and licked until she bled.
The constant use of medications was also very hard
on her liver. Her immunity was almost depleted. It was painful to see her
suffer- and all these treatments were minimally effective.
I had spent
thousands of dollars, hours of research and watched as my baby continued to
I was absolutely desperate to get her help and found Dr. Rachel. She saw Hayley and was compassionate and caring and assured me that we could
help her but to be patient because she had a lot to overcome to get her back on
the path of health and recovery.
To be honest, I didn't really believe that Dr.
Rachel would be able to help her because so many vets had promised results in
the past and she never improved. Hayley started with acupuncture and herbs and
we changed her diet. Within a few weeks, her skin started to look better. Her
eyes started to sparkle again. Her hair grew back! She started to play and
enjoy life. No more daily baths because she smelled so bad from the yeast, no
more constant licking and scratching. She was sleeping through the night and
had no sores.
To call this a miracle is absolutely accurate. I wish that I had
found Dr. Rachel years ago!!! She gave Hayley her life back. Sandy K
don't actually know how my dog, VP, managed to hurt her back and
neck. I think it was a fall she took weeks before. It wasn't even a
slow degradation of health.
Overnight, she became an invalid. She
couldn't eat, drink, or walk by herself. Her jaw seemed dislocated
and her tongue deviated visibly to the left of her mouth. Every time
she tried to chew food, she would choke. Every time we moved her,
she cried. She couldn't even bark without noticeable pain.
She had been on steroids and pain killers
for weeks, with little to no improvement, and then I was told that
an MRI might give the docs some answers...for $1900. When I first came to see Dr. Addleman, VP
had an actual date to get put to sleep at the vet's office. Within
hours of VP's first treatment, I saw dramatic improvement. Her gait
became much less impaired, her tongue started to return to normal,
and she began to eat and drink by herself.
After three treatments with Dr. Addleman,
VP is back to her old mischief -- stockpiling all the dog toys in
her own crate, barking viciously at the mailman, and bounding up and
down with excitement every time someone approaches her. She got a
new lease on life with alternative therapy and our whole family owes
you endless thanks! Jennifer R
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is a 5 year old Dachshund. In October of 2011 I was told she had
ruptured a disc in her back because her hind legs were paralyzed. Of
course panic struck at our house.
My vet sent me to a specialist who said
Sadie needed surgery which would cost between $2500-$4000.
We chose not to do the surgery and treat
her with meds and rehab. I searched the internet and found Dr.
I took a chance and brought Sadie to the
clinic for acupuncture. She was treated with acupuncture and herbal
medicine. That was the best ever find on the internet. We added some
rehab. Today she is walking and running. I never thought it
A month ago Sadie had a set back. Sadie
was trying to keep up with her sister, a min-pin who is very active.
I brought her in for a check up and with TLC from Dr. Rachel she is
200% better.
I truly never thought I would ever see my
dog walk again. I really never imagined that acupuncture could be a
miracle cure. The staff at this clinic is the best ever!!!!! Love
them! Cathy F
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This is Jake yawning tonight. He could not do this 3 months ago - his primary veterinarian could not even open his mouth under general anesthesia. Janet |
I watch Annie wake up with us each day, not sleeping all day due to
pain/lack of energy, running around the Christmas tree - because now
she CAN, and watching her JUMP and HOP after a romp outdoors, I know
this is due to your work with her.
I know, without question, that you have given me more time with her
than would have been otherwise possible. This is the most beautiful
gift I ever been given, and I will never be able to thank you
adequately. I now have one more Christmas with my baby, and we are
making the absolute most of it!!
Maxx is well - VERY well. Again, due to your selfless efforts on his
behalf, he is enjoying a greater quality of life - and now PLAYS
It is true joy in action. Your work, especially with Cushing's, is
much needed. Sheryl F
Even though Tippy is 13 years old, she
will always be our puppy.
We were watching her struggling to move
and in so much pain. We were afraid we had no choice but to put her
down. We just thought we would try acupuncture before we made any
decision. Thank the Good Lord we did.
Thank you so much. Tippy has had such a good weekend. She is walking
almost completely unassisted and is back to her daily routines.
Tippy is almost like she was 2 years ago before all her problems
She is playing with her toys again and
taking her long walks two times a day. My husband and I are so
thankful for all the wonderful loving care that she has received.
Vonda & Charles M
has always had what we consider "issues" but had also been told for
years that it was typical terrier behavior and/or that he needed
significant training (which is not denied).
So, into the second year of him not sleeping more than an hour each
night, and a significant amount of OTC drugs and modifications, I
was at my wits end and turned to Dr. Addleman...my hero!!!...OUR
She was so kind to him and listened to
the myriad of problems and efforts...examined him....and gave us
four things to do: change the types of raw food he was eating,
give him two homeopathic remedies, and apply a daily regimen of
That night he slept ok but, the next
night he slept longer and...to this day (almost 3 months later) he
is averaging 7-8 hours of sleep a night which is, to me, A MIRACLE.
I cannot even begin to thank Dr. Addleman
and Linda enough for what they have done for Elton and I am looking
forward to much more success with him.- With much love and care, Julie T
has been doing amazingly well since the treatment, dramatic
improvement in several areas but most significantly, my social
butterfly is back!
is such a different boy when he's not hurting. Thanks again for all
the great work you do and for him! We all are enjoying the benefits.
While Shiloh has been making steady progress in his relationship
with the new puppy, after we left your office the other day we had
an exponential gain. The four of us went out to dinner for our
anniversary and left all 3 dogs home together.
When we returned a
few hours later, it was clear the two boys had spent some quality
time. Jimminy and Shiloh spent the next hour and a half playing and
romping with each other. (Crickett had a long since put herself to
bed exhausted.) They were playing tug with a toy -
Shiloh catering to his puppy abilities and then nuzzling and cooing
nose to nose. They repeated this again a few days later, so it
appears to be actual progress as opposed to an anomaly.
I think Shiloh is feeling great after his treatment combined with
their alone time was the magic combination they needed. Stacey W
Toofy and I came to see Dr. Addleman, her "stomach episodes" of not
wanting to eat and vomiting bile had increased to 2-3 times a week.
Conventional medication was no longer working and I was worried
about her. Dr. Addleman's treatment using acupuncture and herbs has
worked wonders and it has now been 7 weeks since she's had an
I am VERY grateful to have found Dr. Addleman. Toofy runs around so
much sometimes now that she gets sore and has to rest up the next
day. That's good for an old girl - thanks a MILLION!
And thanks also to Linda for being so kind and responsive to all my
emails. - Sandy and Toofy
Thanks again Dr. Addleman for making Cassie's first visit such a
positive experience. I'm going to start the new "cool" / wet food
transition this weekend. It's very gratifying to be able to do
something to help Cassie's health. She is such a great girl!!! -
Bailey is feeling great today. We think for the first time in a long
time, she is pain free. She jumped on the bed this morning like
she's never jumped before. Bailey has been sleeping a lot today,
which isn't unusual, but it seems like she's less restless and
uncomfortable. Thanks so much! Ron & Maureen H
We first brought Vincent our white German Shepherd to Dr. Addleman when he was 5
months old. At that time he was fearful of other animals, people,
places, noises etc. He looked so sad!
After the first acupuncture treatment we noticed a change in his
temperament and by the 2nd treatment Vincent was a new dog!
He is now happy, playful, confident and has many dog and human
friends! This Halloween he loved being dressed up as a pumpkin and
happily interacted with all the trick or treaters! Marianne D
I’m excited about Lulu's new herbs and she’s already better just
from her treatment yesterday! I can’t say enough about the care we
have received from Dr. Addleman. I don’t believe Lulu would ever be
able to become the healthy girl she was meant to be without her.
Thanks so much. Jodie E
I am amazed she responded so quickly and was walking almost
immediately. Anna Marie L - For Peetey’s Sake
Bob lifted his leg on the walk tonight...first time in at least
three months! Yippee Yea! Isn't that great? Mary Lynn M
Sweeney would like Dr. Addleman to know she is all but feeling like
a brand new dog!
She gets me out walking twice every day now and trots along with
ears bouncing. She loves-loves the new food regimen........ and has
taken very well to the herbs. So far, and almost from the time we
left your office, she has had all 4s firmly planted on the ground
with full steam ahead! She admits she is not feeling as tired
Remember when that guy bought out the huge billboard on 59 to
advertise seeking a wife. Well if not for him outbidding me this
morning, that billboard would read "Dr. Addleman is a genius!" In
like super bold size 7000 font. Sweeney slept through the night
until 5 am and when she woke up, she stood right up on all 4s and
walked out to potty and back in. Same thing through the morning. Davina R
Lance was so much better at this show. No hissing at the cats in the
judging ring or on the way to the ring. He is still a little tense,
but much better than before. Becky C
We are so glad he is better and we've found such a great Dr. for
Vladimir. Sarah & Chris F
We all think Sam is doing better. The soft food already has made a
huge difference for his skin condition..... We also noticed less eye
gunk and not as much snoring when he sleeps. It's all been good.
Thanks for your help. Lynn N


With the weight loss Tabitha has become so much more active. She and Kylie are playing all the time. We took Zoe, Tabby and Kylie to the dog park on Saturday -- they all three had so much fun playing and romping. Thanks as always. Donna & Gerry R
Breeze is running so much better since her first treatment –
it’s amazing.
She is running like she did about 2-3 years ago. She’s back to being
her same spunky little self and it’s great to see.
I just can’t thank Dr. Addleman enough. Thank you very much for the
wonderful treatment that Breeze received last week. I really, truly
think it [acupuncture] helped her tremendously. Jan T
has been a very happy kid for the last 3-4 days - he is showing me
the puppy in him still, at times, but staying out of the heat a lot.
I know Meaux is feeling better because we have walked a little bit
in the evenings on the bayou this past week - hadn't done that in
ages. We even had a young couple stop and ask about him and couldn't
believe he was 14. They said "he's adorable!".
I can't tell you how comforting it is that you come to the house to
care of Meaux. At his age, his size, and his physical condition, it
would be almost impossible for me to get him to a clinic to be cared
for without an incredible amount of stress and possibly much
physical discomfort on Meaux's part. That he is now cared for in the
comfort of his own home is worth everything to me. So thank you,
thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Judy, Meaux and
Gillie seems to be doing a bit better. I think that he is having
fewer nightmares (although the amount of naps has not changed.) Is
Gilligan's favorite doctor available...Monday? Patty V
Thank you for seeing Lizzy this morning. We look forward to making
changes, so Lizzy can be a Healthy and Happy dog. Joel &
Kelly R
We are so blessed to have Dr. Addleman! Heather T
Chloe's acupuncture session has helped her tremendously...she is
feeling so much better. Her appetite is improving and she sleeps
very well.
We divide the Hill's can into fourths and feed her 4 times a day to
complete the can. She even has been eating ocean whitefish and tuna
from Sargent's and Sunny's bowls when they eat.
Dr. "A" had helped Chloe so very much through her illness. The
acupuncture & herbs helped her to be able to eat and walk...to be
her self again.
There are not enough "Thank you's" in the world to tell you how much
we appreciate Dr. "A". She is the best and is a wonderful and
compassionate person. We are very glad that we found her. Donna
Thank you for caring about Blue---you help him so much!
Megan P
We are thrilled we found you to care for Hallee. She has definitely
improved, chewed a bone for the first time today and played with
Thank you so much for your help and compassion.
Dedrick and
Taryn F
dog, Chaya, was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disorder.
She has been examined by boarded veterinary specialists in the field
of internal medicine and surgery. All concur, her disease is
progressive and not operable.
Religiously, we followed expert advice on how to make her more
comfortable and happy. Nothing seemed to work. As she became more
disabled and unable to walk without the help of a sling, so too did
her spirit diminish. Taking the advice of our veterinarian, we
sought out Dr. Addleman.
After the first treatment, we noticed that Chaya's energy seemed improved.
And today, with only three treatments, Chaya's spirits and energy
have been revived. She has maintained her energy and high spirits
despite dragging herself to get around. We feel so fortunate to have
found Dr. Addleman. While Chaya's future is certain, total
paralysis, she delights in being a participating member of our
family. We can't thank Dr. Addleman for giving us back our Chaya.
Linda A
can’t tell you how thankful we are for Dr. Rachel. ..... Marli was
able to do some actual walking on Wednesday and we think she will
continue to improve with the acupuncture and therapy. I know Marli
is just so much better because she is now also wagging her tail like
she used to do before her problem (injury) began. I can’t wait to
send the pictures on to our daughters. I know they will get a kick
out of seeing Marli with all the wires, but I also know they are
very concerned for her recovery and are thankful we had this choice
in her care. I don’t think I can say enough about how pleased we are
concerning Dr. Rachel’s treatment and the progress Marli continues
to make. We are so grateful Dr. Rachel chose the Houston area to
practice her veterinarian acupuncture care and skills.
Update: We are actually having to hold Marli back somewhat. She was
trying to do a little running over the weekend and is now wanting to
jump down from our couch while we’re watching TV. It’s great she’s
improving so much, but we are trying to keep her from getting too
overzealous just to make sure she doesn’t reinjure herself. Jana
& Don S from Lake Jackson, TX
More good news: BG is 94 today. No excessive water consumption and
he's still chowing down on 2 1/2 to 3 cans of turkey & giblets
He is getting rowdier by the day. He obviously feels a lot better
since coming to see you! Karla from Houston
". . . both Cooper and Porter are doing very well on the . . .food
(fish and sweet potato) . . .No itchy skin, eyes, or hot spots on
the feet. We recommended it to other Boykin owners and their dogs
are doing a lot better as well. - Laura from Houston
I can't thank you enough for giving Isaac back his energy! And
appetite! He's once again stalking lizards from the safety of his
kitchen window and playing with Hershel and Amos. His kidney failure
and thyroid surgery have been hard on him. There was nothing left in
western medicine to do for 'the light of my life' when thankfully I
found you! Acupuncture and herbals have made a huge difference.
Thank you for everything you do for my Isaac. Linda A
We are fortunate our veterinarian referred us to Dr. Addleman. As a
board certified feline specialist, a recognized expert in her field,
Dr. Addleman diagnosed our cat, Snoop, a 16 years old orange tabby,
with multiple ailments including lymphoma, hypothyroid, high blood
pressure, arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome - all of which are
being treated successfully with medication. Two concerns for us, was
the irritable bowel syndrome, although treated with prednisone, he
continued to throw up several times weekly and painful arthritis
treated with adequin injections weekly. We were, at first, skeptical
giving him acupuncture. Never in our wildest dreams did we think
he'd stand still, after all, he's a cat! Boy were we surprised. Not
only did he enjoy his 20 minute treatment, laying comfortably and
purring throughout it, he wasn't anxious for it to come to an end.
To our amazement, his vomiting has been greatly curtailed and the
arthritic pain appears much less as his limping has disappeared!
Nat from Houston
Bailey's [acupuncture] treatments are really helping.
Bailey loves the [herbal] biscuits. Thanks!
Lisa K